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Claude Arrieu


CLAUDE ARRIEU (1903-1990)

Claude Arrieu, who was born in Paris, fills a niche all by herself amid the ranks of contemporary French composers, because of her personality and her independence spirit.

Her symphonic and instrumental production reveals the vivacity of her style as well as the originality of her harmonic and orchestral language. But the very large number of works written by Claude Arrieu (lyrical works, cantatas, melodies, songs) attests the firmness of her thinking and the naturalness of her melodic vein.

Stéphane Mallarmé, Francis James, Louis Aragon, Jacques Audiberti, Jean Cocteau, Paul Eluard, Jean Follain, Maurice Fombeure, Jean Tardieu, Louise de Vilmorin - the names of but a few of these poets would perhaps suffice to indicate the eclecticism and refinement that she puts into everytihng and of which her music is the reflection - witty, intelligent and sensitive.