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Magie noire

3 Kabbalistic Poems


Samson François, l’une des figures françaises les plus emblématiques de l’art du piano, a laissé des esquisses de son œuvre Magie Noire ainsi qu’un enregistrement partiel. Cette œuvre, finement pensée, voit le jour ici grâce à la reconstitution musicale de Dimitri Tchesnokov. À la fois virtuose, poétique et mystérieuse, Magie Noire reflète les états d’âme de Samson François, révèle son génie pianistique et permet de plonger dans l’imaginaire du compositeur qu’il a été.

Un livret, conçu autour de cette œuvre, riche d'illustrations, présentation historique et citations, accompagne la partition.

L'ensemble de cette édition a été dirigée par Frédéric Demoulin.

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Instrument family Piano
Catalog classifications Collection and separate works
Instrument nomenclature piano
Total duration 00:21:30
Publisher Éditions Billaudot
Collection management DEMOULIN Frédéric
Cotage PN6155
Total number of pages 60
Languages French, English
Cycle / Level concert
Musical style Jazz / Blues , Modern
Directory type Original work(s)
Copyright year 2024
EAN code 9790043097774
EDU complements Other (exercises, answers, games, etc.)

€28.21w/ taxes

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Four years after the first premiere of his Concerto in 1951, Samson François gave a concert performance of the 2nd and 3rd Magie Noire (composed in 1951 and 1952 respectively), at the 5th
Music Festival of Vichy 3, on August 30, 1955. In a rare review by Suzanne Demarquez, which was included in the concert program, we learn that Samson's Magie Noire would have “the sole purpose of serving the instrument and of which he is one of the great masters”. She explains that, although Magie Noire does not evoke any known literary text, it is inspired by the poetry which is inherent
“in all creative artists”.

Dimitri Tchesnokov reconstructed each score from the composer's sketches. It became clear that these three pieces were more like poems,forming a single cycle entitled Magie Noire. While the title unambiguously expresses Samson François'intentions, the challenge was to render his vision as faithfully as possible. The difficulty of the task was to translate, and not betray, the composer's musical intention, while at the same time allowing the interpreter the personal liberty afforded, by employing a finely “chiseled” musical notation. Dimitri Tchesnokov, in undertaking this particularly precise challenge, has demonstrated a remarkably intuitive musical sense, without which this valuable musical heritage could not have been restored. As a result, Samson François's ‘etats d’âme’ in Magie Noire are now accessible to an international audience.